Cleaning 4 Kids wants to make a difference in your life.
Please use this form to apply for our complimentary service.
Your child must be in treatment for cancer.
Patient Release of Liability
In consideration of the opportunity to participate in Cleaning 4 Kids’ free benevolent home cleaning program for child cancer patients, I, and my heirs, successors and assigns, hereby agree and represent as follows:
- I understand that Cleaning 4 Kids will partner with Organic Cleaning Marin to provide cleaning services and agree to perform one monthly house cleaning and that they do pay their employees to perform this service free of charge to me.
- I am 19 years of age or older and legally competent to enter into this binding legal contract. I understand that participation in Cleaning 4 Kids’ benevolent home cleaning program is voluntary and I freely chose to participate.
- I understand that Cleaning 4 Kids does not provide any insurance coverage, including property, liability or medical, for me. However, Organic Cleaning Marin is insured and/or bonded.
I have completely read and understood this Patient Release of Liability. I am submitting this release and waiver of liability voluntarily and of my own free will. I agree to be bound by the terms of it.
Please tell your friends and family that we are looking for more families to serve. Our only requirement is that they have a child in active treatment for cancer. We can ease their burden and provide a monthly free organic house cleaning.
Please enter "Cleaning 4 Kids" as the project name.

7-year-old Kendrick was diagnosed with brain cancer. His mother, Julia explains, “As a family, we must stay strong and upbeat, so Kendrick knows that he is loved, and we are happy just to be near him. Having Cleaning 4 Kids come in and help me with housecleaning is such a gift. It leaves me more time with Kendrick. The kindness of our community touches our family every day.”